
A Gamified XR & AI Self-Care App

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Product Features

By exploring these six directions on non-clinical, we have confirmed our assumptions that these elements can indeed enhance or improve people's mental health conditions. They offer benefits or have the potential to become more effective and powerful in helping us achieve our goal.


Our product offers a virtual pet that provides emotional support by engaging users and fostering deep emotional connections through its lifelike digital presence.


We incorporat gamification elements, using tailored activities and interactions to motivate and inspire continued use, making the self-care experience enjoyable and rewarding.

AI Chat

Our virtual pet's chat capabilities enable seamless interaction, offering users real-time care and support to ensure every conversation is intuitive and beneficial.

Mood Tracking

The product includes mood tracking features that monitor emotional well-being, offering insights and suggestions to improve users' mental health over time.

VR/MR Experience

Experience mixed reality (MR) with the pet, which blends real-world and digital elements to create immersive experiences that are crucial for fostering emotional connections and enhancing well-being.

Digital Healthcare

We plan to integrate digital healthcare solutions to provide users with convenient access to health information, promoting easier health management through technology.

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